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According to the Toledo Blade, a CSX tank car was reported to be leaking vinyl chloride at the Lake Township, Stanley rail yard in November. Emergency management officials were concerned because they weren't notified until several hours later, even though according to the local fire chief, legally railroads are not required to involve local emergency crews if a leak is contained on railroad property.  After authorities investigated, it turned out nothing had leaked out of the car.

Then on Monday, February 5th, a train of cars being pushed by a
remote-controlled locomotive, struck an empty propane tank car at the same Stanley yard.  No hazardous materials were released.

Railroad workers have long complained about remote controls compromising  the safety  of  railroad employees and the public alike. 

                 Jefferson County, Ohio -   Requests presentation on
                         "How To Start a County Task Force"
Dennis and Vicky Moore traveled to Toronto, Ohio in Jefferson County  on January 10th.  The purpose of the meeting was to explain Foundation guidelines, as well as  requirements for a county task force to receive  reimbursement grants for installation of gates.    Fourth Ward Councilman Larry Coppa requested the presentation because of  his and others' concern  for dangerous unprotected railroad crossings in the community.  This was actually the committee's second meeting the first was held on December 6, 2006.

Foundation Trustees are waiting for copies of their monthly meeting minutes to confirm their pledged interest in forming a county railroad safety task force.

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